Legal Notices (Continued)

Conflicts of interest

Companies affiliated with AVANA Invest GmbH as well as the other companies of the AVANA Invest group are entitled to trade with securities of AVANA financial products. Furthermore, AVANA Invest GmbH, as well as the other companies of the AVANA Invest group, their employees, and other funds or sub-pool assets managed by the AVANA Invest group of companies, may from time to time purchase securities of AVANA financial products, shares in the underlying securities, or options in securities of AVANA financial products.

Intellectual property rights

The content on this website is protected by copyrights, trademarks, and other forms of copyrights. All of the content is owned and controlled by AVANA Invest GmbH or the party to which the provision of content is ascribed. Unless expressly defined elsewhere, the content on this website may not be construed as granting licences or rights in accordance with a copyright, patent, or trademark or other intellectual property

rights of the AVANA Invest group or third parties. Any copying of information or data, in particular the use of text and graphics, requires the prior approval of AVANA Invest GmbH, the other companies of the AVANA Invest group, or the party to which the provision of contents is ascribed.


AVANA Invest GmbH reserves the right to make changes to these legal notices from time to time. You can view and/or print the current version of these legal notices on/from this website. [...]

Legal Notices (Continued) »

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