Legal Notices (Continued)

[...] AVANA Invest GmbH, along with the other companies of the AVANA Invest group, does not provide any assurances, nor does it offer any express, implied or statutory warranty, including any promises or guarantees, regarding correctness, timeliness, or completeness of content, its marketability or suitability for a certain purpose, non-breach of third party rights and/or the non-existence of computer viruses.

Links to other web content are provided for your information, and shall not be interpreted as a recommendation of these web pages, their contents, products and/or services of the AVANA Invest group of companies or vice versa. AVANA Invest GmbH as well as the other companies of the AVANA Invest group do not assume any liability for third party web page content (regardless of the form of the content), and use of such third party websites is at your own risk. AVANA Invest GmbH as well as the other companies of the AVANA Invest group do not warrant the functionality of any of the links, and are not liable for any damages resulting from errors or omissions as a result of utilising these links.

Internet software and transmission problems may result in inaccurate or incomplete copies of information and material if downloaded and displayed on a user's computer. AVANA Invest GmbH, as well as the other companies of the AVANA Invest group, are not liable for any errors, changes, or omissions which occur during the transmission or downloading of information or materials.

The content on this website, including text, graphics, links and/or other elements, has been prepared from sources, materials, and systems deemed to be reliable and accurate, and is provided on a current and as available basis [...]

Legal Notices (Continued) »

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